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 Hindu Kids Camp is an annual one-day camp hosted by the University of Texas Hindu Students Association (HSA for short). The camp gives youth from the Austin Hindu community the opportunity to come to the UT campus to learn more about Hinduism and meet other wonderful kids. Hindu Kids Camp enables HSA to reach out to and form close ties with families in the Austin community. The day's activities include games, lunch, discussions, and various other Hinduism-related activities. This camp will enable the children to learn more about the importance of their religion and the overarching values it teaches.

Every year, we organize the day's activities around a particular theme. Past themes have included Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, and the like. If you have any suggestions for our theme this year - anything your children would like to see, or even particular activities they would like to do - please email your thoughts to and/or include them on the registration form under the "Register" tab. After all, this event is for the kids, so we would like to plan activities they will thoroughly enjoy.


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